Hello #Loves! So, yes, I spent a few days in the #hospital. I am beat! I still had stress while in the hospital... I found out the 9to5 is snooping on my social media and ironically, it's not under my legal name. It's all under my hobby/small biz. Specifically, HR people on TT. I have IP addresses from the are of corporate and Phoenix office. Trying to get in and read the blogs. Talk about a hostile work environment and added stress! I think it is time to talk to a lawyer. Of course I have an HR meeting EOD on Monday. I don't even know what to think anymore. It is insane. They never had any issue until no and I also feel like they are looking for stuff to fire me in retaliation. At this point, I need to get me ok and I just don't care anymore. I'm tired of being treated like shit by management there. They need to just know - we researched all their inquiries and IP addresses, etc.
#Saturday #February 10, 2024 #SelfieSaturday #LunarNewYear #YearOfTheDragon
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